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Published on 7/27/2021 in the Prospect News CLO Daily and Prospect News High Yield Daily.

Air Canada, SVP, Lereta, Acrisure, Ontic, Flow Control break; Atlantic Broadband revised

By Sara Rosenberg

New York, July 27 – Air Canada upsized its term loan B, reduced pricing and set the original issue discount at the tight side of guidance, SVP Worldwide firmed the issue price on its term loan B at the middle of revised talk, and Lereta LLC set the spread on its term loan B at the low end of guidance, and then these deals freed to trade on Tuesday.

Also, before breaking for trading, Acrisure LLC finalized pricing on its incremental term loan B at the high end of talk, Ontic (Bleriot US Bidco Inc.) modified the issue price on its incremental first-lien term loan, and Flow Control Group (FCG Acquisitions Inc.) carved out a funded piece from its previously all delayed-draw first-lien term loan.

In more happenings, Atlantic Broadband (Cogeco Financing 2 LP) trimmed pricing on its incremental first-lien term loan B and adjusted the original issue discount, and Sitel Group firmed the spread on its U.S. and euro term loans at the wide end of talk but tightened the original issue discount on the debt.

Additionally, RxBenefits Inc. (RXB Holdings Inc.) lowered the spread on its first-lien term loan and changed the issue price on the incremental portion, and Curia Global Inc. moved some funds between its first- and second-lien term loans.

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