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Published on 4/13/2015 in the Prospect News Emerging Markets Daily and Prospect News Investment Grade Daily.

Moody’s changes nine Korean GRIs to positive

Moody's Investors Service said it affirmed the Aa3 ratings and changed the outlook to positive from stable of the following nine Korean government related issuers:

Korea Electric Power Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings;

Korea Expressway Corp.: Aa3 senior unsecured rating;

Korea Gas Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings;

Korea Land and Housing Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings;

Korea National Oil Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings;

Korea Rail Network Authority: Aa3 issuer rating;

Korea Railroad Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings;

Korea Resources Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings; and

Korea Water Resources Corp.: Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings.

Moody's also affirmed the Aa3 senior unsecured bond rating and changed the ratings outlook of Minera y Metalurgica del Boleo, SAPI de CV to positive from stable. Its bonds are guaranteed by Korea Resources.

These rating actions follow Moody's April 10 decision to revise to positive from stable the outlook on the Korean government's Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings.

At the same time, the agency affirmed Korea District Heating Corp.’s A1 issuer and senior unsecured rating with a stable outlook.

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