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Published on 2/2/2005 in the Prospect News Emerging Markets Daily.

New Issue: Kazakhstan's Kazkommertsbank reopens 2009 bonds to add $150 million

By Reshmi Basu

New York, Feb. 2 - JSC Kazkommertsbank reopened its 7% bonds due Nov. 3, 2009 (Baa2/BB-/BB) to add $150 million Tuesday, according to a market source.

The retap priced at 981/4.

UBS Investment Bank managed the sale.

On Oct. 22, Kazkommertsbank priced $350 million of fixed-rate notes at 98.967 to yield 7¼%, or 395 basis points over Treasuries.

Kazkommertsbank, based in Almaty, is one of the three largest banks in Kazakhstan.

Issuer:JSC Kazkommertsbank
Amount:$150 million
Total amount:$500 million
Issue:Reopening of 7% bonds due 2009
Maturity:Nov. 3, 2009
Issue price:98¼
Pricing date:Feb. 1
Settlement date:Feb 10
Bookrunner:UBS Investment Bank
Ratings:Moody's: Baa2
Standard & Poor's: BB-
Fitch: BB

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