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Published on 8/9/2016 in the Prospect News CLO Daily and Prospect News High Yield Daily.

Leslie’s, WCA Waste break; Walter rises; Valeant better with amendment and asset sale talk

By Sara Rosenberg

New York, Aug. 9 – Leslie’s Poolmart Inc. increased the size of its term loan and tightened the spread as well as the original issue discount, and then the term loan freed up for trading on Tuesday, and WCA Waste Corp.’s credit facility broke as well.

Also in trading, Walter Investment Management Corp.’s term loan was stronger as the company announced sale agreements, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc.’s term loans strengthened with chatter of an amendment and potential asset sales, and Builders FirstSource Inc.’s term loan B was a little softer following paydown news.

Back in the primary market, NEW Asurion Corp. modified the spread and original issue discount on its term loan, Headwaters Inc. revised the issue price on its add-on term loan B, United Site Services Inc. and SciQuest Inc. both tightened discounts on their term loans, and Trader Corp. lowered pricing on its first-lien term loan B.

Additionally, Cavium Inc. reduced the spread and widened the issue price on its term loan, Oasis Outsourcing Holdings Inc. tweaked its amendment proposal, and Harbor Freight Tools USA Inc. accelerated the commitment deadline on its term loan.

Furthermore, ESH Hospitality Inc. and Amplify Snack Brands Inc. disclosed price talk with launch, Medical Depot Inc. released original issue discount guidance on its incremental term loan, Global Healthcare Exchange LLC approached lenders with an add-on first-lien term loan, and Xplornet Communications Inc. emerged with new deal plans.

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