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Published on 5/7/2014 in the Prospect News Municipals Daily.

New Issue: Inland Valley Development Successor, Calif., sells $240.03 million TABs

By Sheri Kasprzak

New York, May 7 - The Inland Valley Development Successor Agency of California sold $240,025,000 of series 2014 tax allocation refunding bonds, according to a pricing sheet. The offering was downsized from $260 million.

The bonds (/A-/) were offered through Barclays.

The deal included $146.34 million of series 2014A tax-exempt bonds and $93,685,000 of series 2014B taxable bonds.

The 2014A bonds are due in 2037 and 2044. The 2037 bonds have a 5.25% coupon priced at 109.278. The 2044 bonds have a 5% coupon priced at 105.132 and a 5% coupon priced at 108.285.

The 2014B bonds are due 2018 to 2024 with a term bond due in 2033. The serial coupons range from 2.745% to 4.532%, all priced at par. The 2033 bonds have a 5.5% coupon priced at 98.

Proceeds will be used to repay outstanding loans and refund the agency's series 2011B-C bonds.

Issuer:Inland Valley Development Successor Agency, Calif.
Issue:Series 2014 tax allocation refunding bonds
Rating:Standard & Poor's: A-
Pricing date:May 7
Settlement date:May 15
$146.34 million series 2014A tax-exempt bonds
$48.98 million2037Term5.25%109.278
$72.36 million2044Term5%105.132
$25 million2044Term5%108.285
$93,685,000 series 2014B taxable bonds
$2.29 million2018Serial2.745%100
$2.36 million2019Serial3.195%100
$2.44 million2020Serial3.727%100
$2.64 million2022Serial4.282%100
$2.88 million2024Serial4.532%100

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