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Published on 12/18/2015 in the Prospect News CLO Daily.

CLO market activity thins; Palmer Square offers $200.24 million deal; spreads remain weak

By Cristal Cody

Tupelo, Miss., Dec. 18 – The CLO market ended the last full week of the year mostly quiet as participants weigh how the Federal Reserve’s first rate hike in nearly 10 years will impact volume.

“Over a longer term rising short-rate environment, we generally think CLO spreads should tighten on floating rate demand, and to adjust for the overall coupon level,” Wells Fargo Securities, LLC analysts said in a report on Friday. “However, credit concerns may dominate the rate story in this cycle, leading to less tightening than expected.”

Coming up in new issuance, Palmer Square Capital Management LLC plans to price a $200.24 million CLO deal.

New issue CLO AAA spreads remain soft at the Libor plus 165 basis points area, while B-rated notes were quoted weak in the 1,000 bps area, the Wells Fargo analysts said.

Palmer Square markets CLO

Palmer Square Capital Management plans to price $200.24 million of notes due Jan. 21, 2024 in the Palmer Square Loan Funding 2016-1, Ltd./Palmer Square Loan Funding 2016-1 LLC offering, a market source said.

The deal includes $135 million of class A-1 floating-rate notes (/AAA); $18.4 million of class A-2 floating-rate notes (/AA); $16.9 million of class B deferrable floating-rate notes (/A); $5.7 million of class C deferrable floating-rate notes (/BBB) and $24.24 million of subordinated notes.

J.P. Morgan Securities, LLC is the placement agent.

The notes are non-callable until Jan. 21, 2017. The deal does not have a reinvestment period.

The transaction is collateralized primarily by a static pool of broadly syndicated senior secured corporate loans.

Palmer Square Capital Management has priced two CLO deals year to date.

The investment management firm is based in Leawood, Kan.

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