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Published on 4/25/2024 in the Prospect News CLO Daily.

New Issue: GoldenTree refinances GoldenTree Loan Management US CLO 9 for $695.39 million

Chicago, April 25 – GoldenTree Loan Management II LP refinanced for $695.39 million the collateralized loan obligation issued by GoldenTree Loan Management US CLO 9 Ltd./GoldenTree Loan Management US CLO 9 LLC, according to a presale report.

The notes will mature on April 20, 2037.

The CLO consists of $3.5 million of class X-R senior secured floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 90 basis points, $150 million of class A-RL senior secured floating-rate loans at SOFR plus 150 bps, $0 million of class A-RN senior secured floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 150 bps, $298 million of class A-R senior secured floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 150 bps, $7 million of class A-J senior secured floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 165 bps, $77 million of class B-R senior secured floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 195 bps, $42 million of class C-R senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 240 bps, $38.5 million of class D-R senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 335 bps, $10.5 million of class D-J senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 475 bps, $21 million of class E-R senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 630 bps, $7 million of class F-R senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes at SOFR plus 846 bps and $40.89 million of subordinated notes.

GoldenTree Loan Management II LP will manage the collateral through the end of the reinvestment period on April 20, 2029.

Collateral consists of broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans.

The CLO can be called starting April 20, 2026.

BofA Securities Inc. was the placement agent.

The original CLO had $4.2 million of class X floating-rate notes at Libor plus 50 bps, $455 million of class A floating-rate notes at Libor plus 107 bps and $84 million of class B floating-rate notes at Libor plus 150 bps.

The transaction also included $45.5 million of class C deferrable floating-rate notes at Libor plus 180 bps, $40.6 million of class D deferrable floating-rate notes at Libor plus 290 bps, $21.35 million of class E deferrable floating-rate notes at Libor plus 475 bps, $6.3 million of class F deferrable floating-rate notes at Libor plus 675 bps and $40.89 million of subordinated notes.

The CLO manager is part of New York City-based private investment firm GoldenTree Asset Management, LP.

Issuer:GoldenTree Loan Management US CLO 9 Ltd./GoldenTree Loan Management US CLO 9 LLC
Issue:Floating-rate notes, floating-rate loans and subordinated notes
Amount:$695.39 million
Maturity:April 20, 2037
Structure:Cash flow CLO
Placement agent:BofA Securities Inc.
Manager:GoldenTree Loan Management II LP
Call feature:April 20, 2026
Pricing date:April 19
Settlement date:April 22
Class X-R notes
Amount:$3.5 million
Securities:Senior secured floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 90 bps
Rating:S&P: AAA
Class A-RL loans
Amount:$150 million
Securities:Senior secured floating-rate loans
Coupon:SOFR plus 150 bps
Rating:S&P: AAA
Class A-RN notes
Amount:$0 million
Securities:Senior secured floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 150 bps
Rating:S&P: AAA
Class A-R notes
Amount:$298 million
Securities:Senior secured floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 150 bps
Rating:S&P: AAA
Class A-J notes
Amount:$7 million
Securities:Senior secured floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 165 bps
Rating:S&P: AAA
Class B-R notes
Amount:$77 million
Securities:Senior secured floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 195 bps
Rating:S&P: AA
Class C-R notes
Amount:$42 million
Securities:Senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 240 bps
Rating:S&P: A
Class D-R notes
Amount:$38.5 million
Securities:Senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 335 bps
Rating:S&P: BBB
Class D-J notes
Amount:$10.5 million
Securities:Senior Secured Deferrable floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 475 bps
Rating:S&P: BBB-
Class E-R notes
Amount:$21 million
Securities:Senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 630 bps
Rating:S&P: BB-
Class F-R notes
Amount:$7 million
Securities:Senior secured deferrable floating-rate notes
Coupon:SOFR plus 846 bps
Rating:S&P: B-
Subordinated notes
Amount:$40.89 million
Securities:Subordinated notes

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